Saturday, July 7, 2012


A while ago I got these cool chunks of sparkly stuff from Sally's. I thought they would look good with a solid color but concentrated on the tips. They turned out nice but I don't think they will last long on my fingers. I usually don't do put things other than paint on my nails and I forgot that since these are slices of plastic, they don't lay flat. So each little chunk sticks out and is sharp. Each time my finger tips tough my skin, my skin gets scratched lightly. Also, they peel and fall off easily. ...But they look so cool! And they're sparkly!!!

...yea, I'm taking these off soon.

The color I used is Coral Reef by Sally Hansen (I am obsessed with coral for the summer!)
My nails look better in person :( Since the sparkles don't lay flat, they don't look very clean up close.

And here are the sparkly things I got: 

If I do use them again, it will be for a special occasion that's only one night. Or maybe I'll only use the glitter on a couple nails. They look nice, but they're inconvenient.

Hope you're staying cool in this summer heat! (Lesson learned today: even 10am is too hot to run here!)

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